Friday, December 16, 2011

"Kanchanaburi - Elephants, Waterfalls, Rafts etc" Vickysd's photos about Kanchanaburi, Thailand

Preview of Vickysd's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Kanchanaburi, Thailand Entry Title: "Kanchanaburi - Elephants, Waterfalls, Rafts etc" Entry: "Well, my bus journey to Kanchanaburi was relatively uneventful. I got a first class, air-conditioned bus for little more than 1 pound for a 2 hour journey. We were even given free bottles of water for the journey - beats National Express any day. The scenery was beautiful, but I ended up sleeping most of the way because I hadn't gone to sleep until 1.30am and woke up at 7. On getting off the bus in Kanchanaburi, I realised my guesthouse and the town centre were quite far away, so I decided to look around for a taxi, apparently such things don't exist out here, what they have instead is something which resemble a rickshaw. A man on a bike with a little sheltered seat on the back for passengers. I felt so mean getting in with my huge, heavy rucksack and him having to pedal 2 miles in the sweltering heat to the guesthouse! He didn't even break a sweat or seem out of breath though! My guesthouse, Pong Phen ( is really nice, I have my own little bungalow right on the river with a little veranda at the front with a table and chair - all for less than 2 pound per night! the guesthouse also has a bar which shows films every night. I arrived midday, so had a shower and something to eat at ...

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